Chris Wilhelm, MD, Child Health
The University of Missouri Veterans Clinic relies on a number of people from the University of Missouri community to function and offer services to veterans.
Dr. Christopher Wilhelm is no exception to that. For more than a year, he has volunteered his medical expertise to the Clinic.
Before joining MU Health as a pediatric care physician, Dr. Wilhelm served in the Air Force for 24 years. He completed tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as humanitarian work in Central America.
During his time in the Air Force, Dr. Wilhelm was trained as a flight surgeon, where he dealt with injuries that were unique to the military due to the demands of the job and environment.
Dr. Wilhelm’s specific skillset plays an important role in winning disability compensation claims for our veterans. He helps verify that the veteran’s injury connects back to service.
“I look through the entire record, call and interview the patient,” he said. “If they live here in town, I’ll see them and conduct an exam and then write an entire summary showing that yes, they have the injury, and yes, it is service-connected.”
When asked what his favorite part about working with the Veterans Clinic has been, Dr. Wilhelm responded without hesitation, “Helping out veterans.” He cites his Air Force background as an asset to his work, “It helps that I can speak their language. It helps that I’ve been where they have.”
Working with Mizzou Law students has been another highlight of Dr. Wilhelm’s experience.
“What is really interesting is that you have future lawyers with the physician looking at the same thing,” he said. “But we’re not looking at the same thing. We’re looking at such different angles. Both of us have our own language.”
As students involved in the Veterans Clinic continue to give back to those who served our country, the Mizzou Law community looks forward to working with experts in various fields to enhance its legal scholarship and student experience.