Veteran Lance Moat
Veteran Lance Moat honorably served in the Navy for more than two decades, serving on active duty from 1982-1992 as a shipboard electrician, or electrician’s mate. He also served in the Navy Reserve from 1998-2009 as a construction electrician. While in the Reserve, Moat was deployed to Iraq during a time when service members were exposed to burn pits.
Burn pits have been used to dispose of waste by the military since the Gulf War. While the pits are an efficient means of clearing waste and debris, they also lead to the emission of a myriad of toxic fumes that can pose serious health risks to individuals nearby, including countless service members who were deployed overseas. Moat is one of these veterans.
As a result of his exposure to the toxic fumes produced by the burn pits, Moat experiences a variety of ailments related to the respiratory system, including chronic bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections. Unfortunately, he was recently denied service connection for these ailments despite the fact that he was stationed in Iraq in 2004, a time when the use of burn pits was commonplace. In addition to his respiratory issues, Moat is also seeking service connection for issues with his knee, hip, back and foot.
Currently, the Veterans Clinic is seeking to secure well-deserved disability compensation for Moat’s conditions. There are many circumstances which could aid in establishing the claims, especially for his respiratory issues. With the recent passage of the PACT Act, as well as the greater understanding and public knowledge of burn pits, it is a hopeful time for veterans who had been previously denied for these conditions. The fact that Moat served in Iraq in 2004 will be very helpful in establishing the nexus between his service and subsequent health issues.
Despite the recent unfavorable decisions from the VA, Moat is incredibly positive and gracious when working with the Veterans Clinic. His positive attitude and kind demeanor when interacting with our students make him a dream client. We all look forward to working on his behalf as the year progresses, and we hope that he will receive the benefits he earned.