Law and medical students continue partnering to secure improved disability benefits for Missouri veterans.

MU Physician Charles Caldwell, former director of the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center.
November marks the six-month milestone since the MU Law Veterans Clinic first announced its partnership with medical students from the
University of Missouri School of Medicine. During this time, the partnership has transitioned from defining the scope of the work to learning and optimizing services for Missouri veterans.
With additional expertise from medical partners, the Veterans Clinic can determine symptoms manifesting in veterans and tie them back to their military service based on biological plausibility.
“From exposure to burn pits to traumatic brain injury, veterans come to us with voluminous medical records that need careful review and attention,” said Angela Drake, director of the MU Veterans Clinic. “Medical student input enhances our ability to help deserving veterans in a practical and efficient way.”

MU Physician Christopher Wilhelm.
MU Physicians Charles Caldwell and Christopher Wilhelm have assisted in ensuring efficient results by stepping into mentorship roles for the medical students. As mentors, they help keep the medical students on the proper path.
“My hope is to generate interest in veterans medicine among our students so following their work at the Clinic, they’ll want to
continue,” Caldwell said.
This partnership continues to grow and the students and faculty supervisors continue to learn how to best interact with one another for the benefit of the clients.
The continued partnership drives the clinic closer toward its goal of increasing disability benefits for deserving veterans. The medical mentors also hope to recruit additional veteran physicians with expertise in other medical areas to ensure that goal will be achieved.