The National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium (NLSVCC) has announced the election of Carter Brooks Templeton to its Board of Directors. Templeton brings a wealth of experience and passion to the board, reinforcing the organization’s mission to address the unique legal needs of veterans across the country.
The NLSVCC, a collaborative effort led by the nation’s law school legal clinics, works with various stakeholders—including the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Congress, state and local veterans service organizations, court systems, and educators—to advance common interests for the benefit of veterans. The Consortium’s goal is to support and advocate for veterans’ legal needs, ensuring they receive the benefits and recognition they deserve.
Templeton currently serves as an attorney at the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic, where he utilizes his extensive knowledge of veterans’ law to assist veterans and their families. Before joining the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic, Templeton honed his expertise in veterans’ law while practicing appellate litigation at Chisholm, Chisholm, and Kilpatrick in Providence, Rhode Island. There, he focused on advocating for veterans’ rights and benefits at the appellate level. Templeton is admitted to practice law in Missouri, the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the United States Court of Claims.
Under the supervision of experienced attorneys, law students at the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic help veterans – free of charge – with discharge upgrades and Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation claims. In addition to directly representing veterans with their disability claims, the Clinic also participates in high-level amicus brief writing, training and education for practicing attorneys, rural veteran outreach through Tigers for Troops, and more.