Staff Spotlight – Eugene O’Loughlin
Eugene O’Loughlin is the Intake Coordinator and Veterans Benefits Specialist in the Veterans Clinic. He comes to the Veterans Clinic with 14 years’ experience as an Accredited Veterans Service Officer with the Missouri Veterans Commission, where he assisted thousands of veterans with their claims for benefits. Over…

Student Spotlight – Shelby Ehrmann
Shelby Ehrmann always knew she wanted to go to law school. “I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer,” Ehrmann said. “When you’re little everyone’s like ‘I want to be a doctor, I want to be a lawyer, I want to be a veterinarian,’ I always wanted to be…

Client Spotlight – Lance Moat
Veteran Lance Moat honorably served in the Navy for more than two decades, serving on active duty from 1982-1992 as a shipboard electrician, or electrician’s mate. He also served in the Navy Reserve from 1998-2009 as a construction electrician. While in the Reserve, Moat was deployed to Iraq…

Continuing to Come Together for Veterans
Law and medical students continue partnering to secure improved disability benefits for Missouri veterans. November marks the six-month milestone since the MU Law Veterans Clinic first announced its partnership with medical students from the University of Missouri School of…

A Message from the Director
The Clinic is finishing up its fall semester business. Simply put, in our Clinic students help veterans, under supervision, on behalf of a grateful nation. We work very hard in the Clinic – and it’s always a team effort with plenty of ups…

Coming together for veterans
The Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic has announced a new program to partner with medical students from the University of Missouri School of Medicine. This partnership will involve collaboration between the two professional schools with regard to securing Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation benefits for veterans. Mizzou medical students will collaborate with law students and staff at…

Battle for benefits
MU Veterans Law Clinic, launched in 2014, works with veterans to successfully navigate the VA system. Alex Pracht knew the risks he was signing up for when he joined the Army straight out of high school. The Illinois native, who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, knew each deployment could result in injury or worse.…